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How Yahuah thinks of You

19 verses from the scriptures that show what thoughts Yahuah Elohim has regarding us. In difficult times – or in everyday situations – it is sometimes hard to imagine
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The whole truth about the “Three Kings”

The popular holiday of Three Kings (“Epiphany”) is considered the oldest Christian holiday. As is usually the case with so-called Christian holidays, the truth is a bit tangled. The
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Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church Contrary to Scriptures.

Chronological list of Catholic dogmas that are contrary to Scripture The dates given at the beginning of each paragraph are approximate in some cases. 320 – Under Emperor Constantine,
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Immersion in the Name of Yahusha the Messiah

WHAT DOES THE WORD OF GOD SAY ABOUT THE IMMERSION (SO CALLED BAPTISM)? Ephesians. 4,5: “5 one Master, one belief, one immersion…” Although the scriptures speak of “one immersion,”
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Immersion (Baptism) in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit?

I have written several blog posts on the “baptismal” phrase in “the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” At the end I
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What does Yahuah say about Sin?

The scriptures state: “Every lawlessness is sin.” 1 John 5:17 and “sin is the transgression of the law.” 1 John 3:4, for “I would not have known sin if
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What does the assembly εκκλησια [ekklesia] mean according to the Scriptures?

Many people ask the question of what the true “church” is when reading the Scriptures, during which they encounter the word “church” translated from the Greek word “ekklesia.” Christianity
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Apostoł Piotr – pierwszy papież?

Czy Piotr był pierwszym papieżem?  Skrzyżowane klucze symbolizują klucze Szymona Piotra. Klucze są ze złota i srebra, co przedstawia władzę  rozwiązywania i związywania. Potrójna korona (tiara) reprezentuje trzy funkcje
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Czy Yahuah kocha grzesznika?

Witajcie umiłowani. Artykuł, który przedstawiamy Waszej uwadze, został zapożyczony ze strony “Uczniowie Jahusza”, po przeczytaniu którego byłem Tak mocno potrząśnięty, że postanowiłem się z Wami nim podzielić. Rozważcie to
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Czy dusza jest nieśmiertelna?

Biblia używa słowa “dusza” lub “duch” w odniesieniu do człowieka aż 1642 razy! Jednak ani razu nie znajdziemy przy nim przymiotnika “nieśmiertelny” czy “wieczny”. W całym Piśmie Świętym słowo
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