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Who can be a shepherd and/or elder?


1. Have Desire (1 Tim 3:1)

2. Be Blameless (1 Tim 3:2)

3. Be a Husband of One Wife (1 Tim 3:2)

4. Be Sober, Moderate, Decent (1 Tim 3:2)

5. Be Hospitable (1 Tim 3:2)

6. Be Able to Teach, a Good Teacher (1 Tim 3:2)

7. Not be Indulging in Drunkenness (1 Tim 3:3)

The elder should not be controlled by various substances. This is not a call to ban such things. It is a demand that these things never hold a person in their grip. It is for us to control alcohol, not alcohol to control us.

8. Be Not Violent, not Pugnacious, but Gentle, not Quarrelsome (1 Tim 3:3)

9. Be Not Greedy for Money (1 Tim 3:3)

A shepherd is not someone who does his job for money. A shepherd is someone who does the job he is called to do, and Yahuah wants him to have a living from the congegation for that.

10. Be a Good Steward of the Home (1 Tim 3:4, Tit 1:6)

11. Be Keeping Children in Obedience and Honesty who do not Face the Charge of Waywardness or Debauchery (1 Tim 3:4)

12. It Cannot Be a Recent Convert (1 Tim 3:6)

13. Must Be Giving Good Testimony To Those Who Are Outside (1 Tim 3:7)

If outsiders think the elder is a “Yahusha maniac” or a “scriptural absolutist” – all is fine. However, it’s better that they don’t call him a con man, a conceited person or a proud person. An elder is, among other things, the congregation’s calling card to the outside world. Of course, all believers should have a good testimony, but this is especially true of congregation elders.



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