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Casting Out Demons

We free people who are bound by unclean spirits. We bring prisoners out to freedom in the power and authority of Yahusha Christ.

Behind all evil are unclean spirits. Yahusha gives joy, peace and life, while the devil kills, steals and destroys. Yahusha’s food is to do the Father’s will, and the devil’s sustenance is to destroy Elohim’s works. Depression is not any mental disorder, but a symptom of demonic oppression. Psychiatric hospitals do not house “sick” people but demonized ones. This is such a simple example of how demons work in our time. Therefore, as disciples of Yahusha, we are tasked with freeing people tormented by evil spirits.

“For we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with the powers above, with the authorities, with the rulers of this world of darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavenly realms.” – Ephesians 6:12

The first thing that strikes the eye in this passage of the Word – we are fighting a battle! Where? How? When? On the day that is called “today.” We are not fighting it with ourselves, or with other people, but with the rulers of this world of darkness! We are fighting a battle against evil. Let us be aware of this.

“O Yahusha of Nazareth, how Elohim anointed him with the Holy Spirit and with power, how he walked, doing good and healing all those possessed by the devil, because Elohim was with him.” – Acts 10:38

Yahusha healed all who suffered from the oppression of the devil. It is Satan who causes our various kinds of suffering, and the Son of Elohim revealed Himself to destroy all the devil’s work in us! By His wounds we are healed. Amen!

“And such signs shall accompany those who believe: in my name shall demons be driven out…” – Mark 16:17

One of the signs to accompany the true disciples of Yahusha is, among other things, casting out demons! According to the dictionary, the word accompany means: to be present with someone, to appear, to appear simultaneously, together with something. What an amazing definition! Casting out demons is constantly present with the believer, it is a natural part of the life of Elohim’s anointed. True, not everyone is called strictly to this ministry, but as one body these phenomena should be perfectly normal for us.

“…Finally, Paul became weary, turned to the spirit and said: I command you in the name of Yahusha Christ to come out of her. And at that moment he came out.” – Acts 16:18

How to cast out a demon? Refer to him in the commanding mode. Evil spirits will obey only Yahusha Christ, so drive them out a authority of the Son of Elohim.

“The people went out to see what had happened, and came to Yahusha, and found the man from whom the demons had gone out, clothed and in his right mind, sitting at Yahusha’ feet, and they were afraid.” – Luke 8:35
“Those who were tormented by evil spirits regained their peace.” – Luke 6:18

What is the original state for man planned by Yahuah the Creator? Sound mind and peace of mind!

“Then returned those seventy-two with joy, saying, Lord, and the demons are subject to us in your name.” – Luke 10:17
“Behold, I have given you power to trample on serpents and scorpions and on every power of the enemy, and nothing shall harm you. After all, do not rejoice over this, that the spirits are subject to you; rejoice rather that your names are written in heaven.” – Luke 10:19-20

Those who truly believed in Yahusha Christ received from Him authority over evil spirits.

“Then he said: Do you know why I came to you? But now I must return to fight against the angelic prince of Persia, and when I go forth to battle, behold, the angelic prince of Greece will appear.” – Daniel 10:20

As we see in this verse, we live in the visible reality, and in the spiritual world there is a huge battle between the Kingdom of Yahuah and the kingdom of Satan. This is a war between two kingdoms. We can also infer from this passage of Scripture that the demons have a hierarchy – some are responsible for Poland, for example, and others for England. They are an organized group of powerful beings without bodies who hate us and want our destruction.