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Natalia Glenc

“When simply locking the door with a key is not enough for you to fall asleep without fear, this testimony is definitely for you.
The last two years before May 2020….
Second floor, in all windows burglar-proof blinds lowered all the way, windows locked, front door locked and keyed. The key in the door turned and left in the lock. A guitar case set up under the door – in case someone opens both locks, and I fell asleep, I would be awakened by the bang of the door hitting the guitar. The bathroom door closed, good thing there is no window. Bedroom door locked from the outside. The couch in the living room positioned to see the hallway all night and the front door, the bedroom door and the living room window. Kitchen connected to the living room so one hassle out of the way. Lights in the living room on, in the hallway as well. The TV in the living room turned on all night to not stay in silence.
Listening to every rustle, step, creak, rustle, voice…. Recognition of all sounds mastered to perfection. Sleeping on the so called one-eye-open state.., if in the frenzy of fatigue I managed to sleep at least 2-3 h. Usually only after sunrise I felt safe and fell asleep for a while, depending on work and many other factors.
And so it was not only the last two years…, but the last 15 years or so of my life.
Diagnosed anxiety, chronic insomnia, post-traumatic stress syndrome. All of this developed over time into such paranoia, into such enslavement, that only the presence of someone trusted in the house, allowed me to sleep through the night for the most part every now and then, and if I wanted to sleep through the whole thing I had to take a horse-dose of a highly addictive sleep medication.
During this time I managed to become addicted to, among other things, watching movies and absorbing a huge amount of literature, which became an integral part of every night.
Therapy for several months in a closed group in a center, regular visits to specialist psychotherapists, working beyond my strength to tire my body so much that it collapsed, medications, etc. nothing helped and year after year it got worse and worse. In the Catholic Church, no saint or miraculous virgin herself was able to help me, the exorcist also somehow without power, Ignatian retreats, healing masses (at which there were no healings), rosaries, Pompeian novena, pilgrimages and miracles on a stick did not give the desired result.
My nocturnal problems evolved to such an extent that not only did I have a fear of people being able to enter the apartment at night, but in the last few years I began to realistically feel the presence of demons. They would sit on the bed and put their hands on my thigh, for example, which I felt physically as if a visible person was doing it.
Humanly speaking, no one was able to help me, especially since from a medical point of view I didn’t look like a crazy person and medication, therapy should remove the problem…. But beyond the medical point of view, there is a spiritual reality, and looking spiritually at what was happening to me, I required deliverance. Why? Because everything had its origin in the sins in which I was wallowing like a pig in mud, which gave dominion to a herd of demons over my life together with those that had reigned from time immemorial in my family.
Even as a 14-year-old, I read in the Bible about deliverances from illnesses, from demons, but I never met even one person who did what this passage talks about, for example:
“And he said to them: “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature! Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; and whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs shall accompany those who believe: in my name they shall cast out evil spirits, they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take snakes in their hands, and if they drink anything poisoned, it shall not hurt them. On the sick they shall lay their hands, and those shall recover.””
(Mark 16:15-18)
Exorcists, priests, nuns…. Seemingly all baptized, seemingly all believers, seemingly all of them knowing and preaching the gospel…. And what!? Bible out of date!? Talks of angels here?! Fairy tales written!?
No! It’s just that none of them walked in the power of the Holy Spirit, because they had an unbiblical baptism, did not receive the Holy Spirit, twisted the gospel, lived in sins up to their ears…. They could not help themselves how could they help me?
I needed a miracle. I craved freedom.
“I cried out in tribulation to Yahweh, and He heard me, He brought me out to freedom.”
(Book of Psalms 118:5)
In May 2020, when I first heard and saw on Facebook Prophet Agnieszka Veduta praying for the people, gathered at the zoom, nothing spectacular happened, but I accepted, agreed with her prayer, recognized her words as true and in accordance with the Bible. I yearned for more. Over the next few days, I absorbed every word she spoke in the power of Yahuah’s Holy Spirit on YT and Fb recordings, I accepted the Spirit of Yahuah she transmitted, I wrote her a message, and a few days later we already had our first conversation. In the meantime, I was already attached to the daily zooms, where there was constantly happening: prophesying, healing, deliverance, service of the Word. Day by day, thanks to the service of the Prophet, Yahuah was releasing me – I quit, thanks to the Holy Spirit, watching movies, reading books and fed only on Yahuah’s Word. I went through deep repentance which gave more space to the Holy Spirit in my life. I longed for water baptism and in the Holy Spirit, I couldn’t wait to serve, I fell in love with service, even though I did not yet have the fullness of the Spirit and was not baptized.
And just the other day on the way home from the service, the Shepherd prophesied that tonight I would sleep all night, peacefully and in freedom… I accepted it, as I would any prophecy, as I would any prayer, as I would any word, because the Prophet and Yahusha are one…. So, in early July 2020 Yahuah freed me from insomnia and anxiety. This was the first night that I slept entirely in a strange house, without my restraints, in silence, with the lights off, and without pills.
On the other hand, shortly after that, on July 21 of the same year, there was a liberation of me from demons, from the devil who had one purpose as the Word says “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy…” John 10:10a
And only through Yahuah’s anointing, the power of His Spirit in Prophet Agnes Veduta was the further part of this Word fulfilled on me
“… I have come that (the sheep) may have life, and that in all its fullness.” (John 10:10)
And this is possible when you die and rise in Yahusha, receive the Spirit and you no longer live, but Yahusha lives in you….
(John 10:10b)
But about that in the next part of the testimony.”