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Natalia Glenc

“Give me Yahuah more service, so that there is no time to sleep, and let me see the spiritual world realistically, every day.” usually this is what part of my personal prayer looks like….
Someone would think that the ceiling has dropped on my head… well, because who in their right mind, of their own free will, would want to have no time to sleep, or to see demons in their forms realistically?
Well, only someone who has a calling to fight them is aware of what enslavement by the devil is and what the consequences are.
I was called to this ministry by Yahuah in the summer of 2020. Among the many gifts he has placed in me, the gift to cast out demons, to deliver is the closest to my heart.
I have experienced nothing more beautiful in my life than the moment when a person over whom I pray is freed from Satan’s influence.
It can’t be compared to anything – it simply has to be experienced. I myself was a very enslaved person, and just before my baptism I was delivered from many demons.
The struggle for me was over two hours, but the perseverance and strength of the Holy Spirit in the shepherd of the House Of Yahuah-Agnes Veduta-gave me a freedom incomparable to that which is proclaimed by the whole world. Yahuah in His graciousness freed me from the demons of sex, pornography, masturbation, homosexuality, family curses, the demon of incest, the occult, the Queen of Heaven, the demon of religion, idolatry, the demon of fear, anxiety, phobias, insomnia, pharmacy, depression, self-harm, the demon of death, among others. Immediately after my deliverance, I received the baptism of WATER and of the SPIRIT, asking for all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
And the very next day, after the baptism, Yahuah used me to fight the demons and affirmed me with victory over them that he had chosen me for this service for the Kingdom of God.
I chose to live life full time with Yahusha, in service 24/7. Every day I grow in faith, enjoy the opportunity to explore the Word of God, experience the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ, into which HalleluJah I am implanted. I serve in the House of Yahuah as an Elder, I deliver and heal people in the power of the Holy Spirit, I preach the true gospel of Yahusha Christ and live it myself. My life is to do Yahuah’s will. Christ lives in me, the same Christ who suffered and died for me, for all the filth and mess I wallowed in, for every sin I threw in God’s face, and who now intercedes for me with the Father, every day. Thanks to Yahusha, I live in holiness and no force can tear me away from His Love. Satan is trampled under my feet and can do me no harm, for I am more than conqueror in Christ. HalleluYah! Amen.