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New Moon – Monthly Feast of the Creator


Rosh Chodesh / New Moon / First Day of the Month

“10 And in the day of your gladness, and in your appointed times, and at the beginning of your new moons, you shall blow the trumpets over your ascending offerings and over your slaughterings of peace offerings. And they shall be a remembrance for you before your Elohim. I am יהוה your Elohim.” Numbers 10:10

“23 “And it shall be that from New Moon to New Moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before Me,” declares יהוה.Isaiah 66:23

“17 And on the prince are the ascending offerings, and the grain offerings, and drink offerings, at the festival, the new moons, the sabbaths – in all the appointed times of the house of Yisra’ĕl. He is to prepare the sin offering, and the grain offering, and the ascending offering, and the peace offerings to make atonement for the house of Yisra’ĕl.” Ezekiel 45:17

Interesting Interpretation: Rosh Chodesh / Head of the Month.”

Rosh Chodesh is celebrated at the beginning of each month, literally meaning “head of the month.”

On this day, incense was placed and the Shechinah [Glory/Yahuah’s Presence] descended on the Mishkan [Tent of Meeting]. The Sriptures New Year of Rosh Hashanah [Head of the Year] also begins on this day.

Book of Enoch, chapter 78:12

  • “The first day is called the new moon because on that day light is formed on it.”
  • The modern term is misleading, as the New Moon is called the time when the moon is not visible at all. (So called astronomical new moon)
  • The Book of Enoch, which should be in the Bible, was removed from the King James Bible and most other translations. To this day, however, it is still in the canon of the Ethiopian Bible, and clearly states that the New Moon means the emerging sickle of the moon, not the total absence of the moon as it is referred to today.
  • Satan has again twisted the truth to mislead people. He has already done the same with the true Shabbat, changing it to Sunday. He also changed the calendar of Yahuah Elohim from one based on the moon’s sickle to one based on the dark moon. In doing so, he incited people not to observe the true Biblical Sacred Days commanded by Yahuah, as well as Shabbat.
  • The Mishnah was written between 70 and 200 AD, while the Gemara (the second part of the Talmud), was written between 350 and 500 AD.
  • Both make up the Talmud. One of the authors of the Gemara book, the so-called Rabbi Hilel II (330-365 A.D.), set a continuous, so-called ‘Fixed Calendar’, based on a method of calculation taking into account the conjunction of the Sun, Moon and Earth, known in the Gemara as the “Hidden Moon/Dark Moon.”
  • Hilel did this so that Jews [wherever they may be] could follow the same pre-calculated calendar.
  • Unfortunately, the Jewish community and other religious groups still use Hilel’s calendar to this day, considering the phase of the full covering of the moon as the first day of the month, and thus maintain holidays, days and traditions established by man rather than by Yahuah Elohim.
  • When the Gemara, the second part of the Talmud, was completed around the year 500, it introduced many new laws that were the result of rabbinic discussions. It changed the way days were determined.

    The Book of Henoch chapter 78:14 confirms that the phase of the total occultation of the moon is the end of the month, not the beginning. –

“On the side on which the light of the moon appears, it [the moon] again diminishes until its light completely disappears and the days of the month come to an end, its circle remains empty, without light.”

It is a misconception to determine the New Moon only by observation. Often, for weather reasons, the Moon’s sickle is seen 2-3 days later. In this way, the Passover and Feast of Booths are lost in days, since they should fall in the middle of the month, i.e. on the full moon, and not 2-3 days later [the promoters of the observational method in determining the New Moon are silent about this].

Also, the Hilel II calendar contains two grave errors:

“and let them be for signs and appointed times [moedim – feasts]” “them” is used here in the plural [every translation uses the plural form there]-i.e., in addition to the moon, the sun is also an indicator of moadim?!

By the way, anyone who takes only the moon as a determinant has different coincidental days, and then the moadim never all match [whether through observing the appearance of the first sickle of the moon, or according to Rabbi Hilel II’s calendar (330-365 A.D. which is used by modern Judaism and some Messianic churches].

Each feast listed in Leviticus chapter 23 according to Genesis 1:14-18 should fall on a specific phase of the moon.

The simplest form of the solar clock is the daily cycle or sunset and sunrise.

If the astronomical new moon [dark moon] of local time falls during a given day, the next day is the 1st day of the new month.

Readings for Rosh Chodesh/New Moon:

Psalm 8

Psalm 19

Psalm 81

Psalm 95

Psalm 104

Psalm 113

Psalm 148

and all Scriptures with singing the songs and prayers for YAHUAH.

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