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Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church Contrary to Scriptures.

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Chronological list of Catholic dogmas that are contrary to Scripture

The dates given at the beginning of each paragraph are approximate in some cases.

– Constantine the Great, whose family worshipped a sun idol called Sol Invictus, when he began presiding over Christian councils, exalted the pagan sun holiday, Sunday, with a special edict: “On the venerable day of the Sun [venerabili die Solis], let officials and townspeople rest, while let all stores and workshops be closed. “2 Professor Alexander Kravchuk aptly observed: “It can be said without exaggeration that Constantine’s edict is in force in most countries of the world up to the present day; for this ‘ dies Solis’ is, of course, our Sunday. “3 The name of Sunday in some languages (German Sonntag) still refers to the worship of the sun. In the first centuries, believers celebrated the seventh day of the week, the Sabbath, in accordance with Yahuah’s Fourth Commandment (Ex.20:8-11). Over time, many stopped doing so (especially in Rome), but not for theological reasons, but to avoid persecution directed against the Jews, who were said to keep the Sabbath holy, so the Romans confused believers with them. The second reason was the popularity of the day of the sun among pagans, whom the Church wanted to win over at all costs. However, back in the fifth century, a Christian historian wrote: “Although all the churches throughout the world have a service every week on the Sabbath, the Christians in Alexandria and Rome, on the basis of some ancient tradition, have ceased to do so. “4

431 – The Council of Ephesus renamed Mary from Christotokos, meaning “mother of Christ,” to Theotokos – “Mother of God. “5 This title is inappropriate because it implies that Mary gave birth to Elohim, whereas a human being cannot give birth to Elohim – a creature cannot give birth to the Creator. The Word of Yahuah says that Yahusha “though He was in the form of Elohim” denied His divinity (Phil.2:6-7) and was born as a human being. And just as His human nature had no father, so His divine nature had no mother! Significantly, Ephesus, where this dogma was enacted, was the capital of worship of the Queen of Heaven – Diana. Pagans erected shrines to her along the roads, and placed her images in their homes long before these customs were associated with the worship of Mary.

500 – The clergy of the Roman Church began to distinguish themselves in dress from other believers, although previously they had dressed like government officials, and therefore like the rest of society.

508 – The first Catholic king of the Franks, Chlodvik, defeated the remnants of the Visigoths, which allowed the papacy to subjugate almost all of Western Europe. From then on, the secular authorities were subordinate to the Church.6 Yahuah’s’s prophets always called such a relationship between the Church and the secular authorities a “harlotry” (Jer.2:20-31; Ez.16:17-19; Hos.2:5) and an “abomination” (Rev.18:9). Daniel predicted that this state would last for 1290 years (Dan.12:11), that is, until 1798. And indeed, the same France whose armies in 508 helped the papacy gain influence over the secular government of Europe, exactly 1290 years later, in 1798, abolished the papal state, inflicting on it the so-called “fatal wound” (Rev.13:3), and the French Revolution introduced the separation of Church and State, which in many countries of the world continues to this day to the benefit of the state and the Church.

538 – Thanks to the removal of the Arian Ostrogoths from Rome, Emperor Justinian’s decree came into effect, which placed the bishop of Rome above other bishops. The bishops of Rome, in order to strengthen their claim to authority over all of Christendom, invoked apostolic succession, deriving it from Peter, although the first bishop of Rome was not Peter, but someone named Linus. The apostle Peter was never bishop of Rome. Apostolic succession is pure speculation, which the scriptures do not confirm, while history undermines it, since sometimes two or three people at a time held the office of pope, excommunicating each other, acquiring or selling the papal throne for money, such as Pope Benedict IX (1032-45), who sold his office to Gregory VI (1045-6). Thus, it is impossible to speak of any apostolic succession in Rome.

590 – The first believers prayed exclusively to Elohim. In later centuries, however, people began to pray and seek mediation from the saints and Mary. However, the scriptures teach clearly that the only person through whom we can come to the Father is Yahusha Messiah: “5 For there is one Elohim, and one Mediator between Elohim and men, the Man Messiah Yahusha,” (1Tim.2:5). Yahusha himself said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me” (John 14:6). The words “but through Me” exclude the mediation of the living (e.g. priests), the dead (e.g. saints or Mary), heavenly beings or spiritual guides (e.g. angels). Yahusha warned us about other intermediaries: “1 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter through the door into the sheepfold, but climbs up by another way, that one is a thief and a robber.” (John 10:1).

593 – Pope Gregory I began teaching about purgatory – a place where the souls of the dead suffer until they pay their debt or are redeemed by the sacrifices of the living. However, there is no mention of purgatory in Scripture. Cardinal N. Wiseman, in his lecture on Catholic doctrines, acknowledges this, writing that in Scripture the reader “will not find a single word about purgatory. “9 Instead of purgatory, it reads: “[It is] decreed for men to die once, and then judgment” (Heb.9:27). People will receive reward or punishment at the resurrection, not immediately after death, as the pagans believed. The Master Yahusha said: “Behold, I am coming soon, and my reward is with me, to render to everyone according to his deeds.” (Rev.22:12).

595 – Pope Gregory I was the first to order repression of Christians celebrating the seventh day of the [pagan] week, Saturday [as well as those that celebrated the true lunisolar Sabbaths], and many of them lived in the Alps and the British Isles, among other places, where the power of the Roman Church had long failed to reach.10

709 – The popes, by ordering people to kiss their feet, introduced a pagan custom, incompatible with the teachings and spirit of the Gospel (see Acts 10:25-26; Rev.19:10; 22:9).

787 – The Council of Nicaea permitted the veneration of the cross, relics and images of saints, although the Synod of Elvira (306) still ruled that “one should not venerate images or pray before them.” By allowing the worship of images and relics, Yahuah’s Second Commandment, which forbids it (Ex.20:3-6), was nullified. However, in order to still agree on the number of Elohim’s commandments (ten) the last commandment into two parts, so in Catholic catechisms it does not even have a subject and reads, “Nor any thing that is his.” A consequence of this change in Yahuah’s commandments was the cult of relics and images, which continues to this day.

1079 – Pope Gregory VII, who came from religious circles, introduced celibacy, which before that was only obligatory for monks. By the 11th century, the clergy had wives and children, as the apostles were also married, e.g. Peter (Matt. 8:14-15; 1Cor .9:5). Indeed, Scripture teaches that a clergyman or bishop can only be one who has previously proven himself as head of a family: “1 Trustworthy is the word: If a man longs for the position of an overseer, he desires a good work. 2 An overseer, then, should be blameless, the husband of one wife, sober, sensible, orderly, kind to strangers, able to teach, 3 not given to wine, no brawler, but gentle, not quarrelsome, no lover of silver, 4 one who rules his own house well, having his children in subjection with all reverence,” (1Tim.3:1-4).

1090 – During the first crusades, Christians took over the rosary in the East. It was used by pagans to say prayers in honor of the goddess Kali, revered in the East as the Virgin and Queen of Heaven, which is why most rosary trowels are addressed to the Queen of Heaven. The Rosary has spread a kind of mechanical prayer, where the praying person repeats the same words over and over again, sometimes even mindlessly, as the pagans did, who were concerned with the quantity of the prayers, not their quality. The Master Yahusha warned against such prayer, saying: “And in praying, do not be many-tongued like the heathen; for they think that for their many-tonguedness they will be heard” (Matt.6:7).

1163 – The Council of Tours, led by Pope Alexander III, ordered secular authorities to imprison people declared heretics by the Roman Church. Confiscation of the property of the accused was an additional motivation for the secular authorities to imprison and burn at the stake as many of the accused as possible.

1184 – Pope Lucius III demanded a portion of the possessions of those accused of heresy for the benefit of the Church.11 Together with German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, he issued an order to persecute and put to death heretics through secular authorities, marking the formal beginning of the Inquisition as a church-state institution. Church inquisitors handed over the judged to state authorities with a clause not to punish them with death, which was, however, a hypocritical formality, since they were present to see that the death sentence was carried out, and when it did not occur, they accused the officials responsible for its execution of aiding heretics. The intolerance and persecution spawned by this union of Church and State was contrary to the spirit of the Gospel. Yahusha and the apostles never imposed their beliefs on anyone, nor did they use force or secular authority to impose their doctrines on society.

1190 – The Church began selling indulgences for sins, although the New Testament teaches that salvation is a gift of Yahuah in Yahusha and cannot be purchased with money: “8 For by favour you have been saved, through belief, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of Elohim, 9 it is not by works, so that no one should boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9); “6 And if by favour, it is no longer of works, otherwise favour is no longer favour. And if it is of works, it is no longer favour, otherwise work is no longer work.” (Rom. 11:6). Salvation cannot be purchased, because it is the fruit of Yahusha’s perfect sacrifice, to which nothing can be added. It can only be accepted or rejected. If we could save ourselves from sins on our own, such as by suffering or sacrifices, the Messiah would not have to come to die for us. Salvation by grace does not negate good works, of course, only that they are the result of accepting salvation, not a means to it. (Gal.5:22-23)

1200 – Until the 12th century, baptism by immersion was practiced, since only such baptism could symbolize the Messiah’s death and His resurrection, as well as the burial of the old man and the raising of the convert. The New Testament word “baptize” (Gr. baptidzo) means “I immerse” (Matt.3:16; Acts 8:38-39). Even today in southern Europe, where early churches have survived, one can see baptisterias where baptism by immersion was performed. Cardinal J. Gibbons acknowledged: “The oldest form of Baptism was immersion. This is evident not only from a reading of the Church Fathers and early Latin and Eastern rituals, but also from the letters of St. Paul, who conceives of Baptism as immersion (Eph.5:26; Rom.6:4; Tit.3:5). “12 The biblical prerequisites for Baptism are instruction in the principles of faith, belief in Yahusha and repentance (Matt.28:19; Mar.16:16; Acts 2:38). An infant cannot fulfill any of these three conditions, so in the first centuries only adults were baptized, and only by immersion. It wasn’t until the Council of Carthage in 418 that the baptism of infants was advocated.

1215 – Gregory VII (1073-85) wanted to introduce auricular confession when he became pope, but it was not until the Fourth Lateran Council that a dogma on the matter was issued.13 Meanwhile, Scripture does not contain a single example of auricular confession! It speaks of confession of the heart, for which no human mediation is necessary (Ps.51:1-11). It encourages confessing sins to Yahuah, since “everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name” (Acts.10:43). Yahusha taught to confess directly to Yahuah, since only He can forgive: “But thou, when thou wilt pray, enter into thy chamber, shut the door, and pray to thy Father…. You, therefore, pray thus: Our Father, who art in heaven…. forgive us our trespasses.” (Matt.6:6-12). The apostles, if they had been given the authority to absolve any and all sins, would have exercised it, for there was no shortage of opportunities, e.g. when Simon of Samaria committed a sin, Peter, instead of confessing him, instructed him to confess the sin to Yahuah: “22 “Repent therefore of this evil of yours, and plead with Elohim to forgive you the intention of your heart.” (Acts 8:22).

1215 – The most important ceremony of the Roman Church is the offering of the Holy Mass, that is, the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the body and blood of “Christ”, which is then offered for sins. The theory of transubstantiation was put forward by the monk Radbertus Paschasius (800-865), but encountered opposition from Catholic theologians. Only the Lateran Council IV approved it as dogma in 1215. According to a handbook for Catholic clergy: “God himself-obeying the words B Hoc est corpus meum (“This is my body”) uttered by the priests-descends to the altar, comes where he is called, whenever he is called, placing himself in their hands, even if they are his enemies. Once He comes, He remains entirely at their discretion; they move Him from place to place as they please, or they may, if they wish, enclose Him in the tabernacle, leave Him on the altar or remove Him outside the church, or they may, if they so choose, consume His body or give Him to others as food. “14 According to the Catholic catechism, during the Mass “the real body and blood of Christ are offered, not their symbol. “15 The dogma says that “the Mass is a real and literal sacrifice offered to God. “16 However, this contradicts Yahusha’s last words: “It is finished!” (John 19:30. Scripture says of Yahusha’s sacrifice: “Having offered one sacrifice for sins once for all, He sat down at the right hand of Elohim, waiting only for His enemies to become the footstool of His feet. For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are sanctified…. and where their remission is, there is no more need of a sacrifice for sins.” (Heb.10:12-14. 18). The sacrifice of Yahusha the Messiah was perfect and needs no repetition. The sacrifice of the mass is therefore not only unnecessary, but challenges the perfection and sufficiency of the Messiah’s sacrifice.

1220 – Pope Honorius ordered that people should give the Host the same reverence that is due only to Elohim (Latin: latria). Parishioners give the wafer such reverence by making the sign of the cross as they pass by or enter the church, or at the sight of the Host being carried in procession. The wafer, however, is a product of the human hand, so giving it the worship due only to Yahuah. is idolatry, contrary to both Elohim’s Second Commandment (Ex.20:4-6) and the spirit of the Gospel (John 4:24).

1229 – The Council of Toulouse forbade, under penalty of death, all except the clergy to possess or even read the Scriptures, not only in the national languages, but also in Latin!17 Yahuah, on the other hand, recommended that all believers read, understand and know the Word of Yahuah: “16 All Scripture is breathed out by Elohim and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for setting straight, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of Elohim might be fitted, equipped for every good work.” (2Tim.3:16-17).

1252 – Pope Innocent IV approved with the bull Ad extirpanda the use of torture and starvation against those suspected of heresy.18 The inquisitors, usually Dominicans, tortured people with the following means: twisting and breaking bones, pulling out fingernails, crushing fingers and heads, blinding, and burning with a red-hot iron, among others.19

1414 – The Council of Constance forbade the laity to consume wine during communion, even though Scripture recommends consuming communion under the two forms of bread and wine – both in remembrance of Yahusha’s pierced body and His shed blood on the stake. (Matt.26:27; 1 Cor.11:24-26).

1439 – The doctrine of purgatory introduced by Gregory I (593) caused much controversy, but well-paid indulgences and masses for the souls of the dead proved such a lucrative business for the Church that the Council of Florence enacted a dogma according to which salvation could be purchased by suffering in purgatory and by sacrifices. Thus, with human works (indulgences and sacrifices), the perfection of the Messiah’s sacrifice, which is sufficient to save every penitent sinner, was questioned (Tit.2:11; 1 John 1:9; 2:1-2). The Second Vatican Council upheld this dogma, explaining: “From the earliest times in the Church, good works have been offered to God for the salvation of sinners.”10 Scripture calls salvation by human works “the mystery of ungodliness,” contrasting it with “the mystery of godliness,” that is, the Good News of salvation through the sacrifice of Yahusha the Messiah: “8 For by favour you have been saved, through belief, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of Elohim, 9 it is not by works, so that no one should boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9). The buying of indulgences practiced by the Roman Church triggered the Reformation and contributed to the rise of Protestant churches. It unfortunately continues to this day.

1545 – The Council of Trent recognized human traditions accepted by the Church as an authority on matters of faith at least equal to Scripture! And Yahusha said this about unscriptural religious traditions: “Rightly did the prophet Isaiah say of you hypocrites, as it is written: This people worships Me with their lips, but with their heart they are far from Me. But they honor Me in vain, teaching the rules given by men. You have abrogated the commandment of Yahuah, and hold to the tradition of men” (Mar.7:6-8).

1846 – Pope Gregory XVI (1831-46) condemned the idea of separation of church and state in his encyclical Mirari Vos, called freedom of conscience “a pernicious error that brings states to ruin”,25 and freedom of the press “a contagious error. “26 Pius IX (1846-78) said: “Doctrines or rantings in defense of liberties of conscience are an absurdity and a most contagious error, a terrible scourge to be shunned like a fire. “27 Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) wrote: “It is unlawful to demand, defend, or confer on people unconditional freedom of thought, speech, pen, or worship. “28

1854 – Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Not everyone knows that it is not at all about the fact that Mary conceived Yahusha as a virgin, but that Mary was born without sin, and therefore just like Yahusha. Not everyone knows what the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is about. Well, it is by no means about the fact that Mary conceived Yahusha as a virgin, because that is what all believers agree on. The dogma states that Mary was born without so-called original sin, just like Yahusha, and therefore that her mother gave birth to Mary supernaturally. The implications of this doctrine are serious, because they suggest that Yahusha is not the only one born immaculate, as Yahuah’s Word teaches (Rom.3:23-24). Mary was a model of purity and obedience, but she was not without sin, as all people are born in sin (Ps.51:7; Rom.3:10). Mary needed a Savior, so she said: “My spirit rejoices in Elohim, my Savior” (Luk.1:47) and offered the sacrifice established for sin (Leviticus 12:7-8; Luk.2:22-24).

1870 – Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of papal infallibility, de facto equating the pope with Elohim, since only Elohim is infallible. In this way, the papacy fulfilled yet another element of scriptural prophecy foretelling a derogatory power that would persecute people in the Middle Ages to introduce the union of Church and State (Dan.8:11), attempt to change Yahuah’s commandments (Dan.7:25), sit in Yahuah’s Church (2Thes.2 :2-12), divert people’s attention from Yahusha’s sacrifice and the Messiah’s mediation, and turn it to his sacrifices and human mediators (Dan.8:11-12), ascribe to themselves Yahuah’s attributes, such as infallibility or the right to forgive people’s sins (Mk.2:7). The scriptures call this power the “antichrist.” The word “antichrist” (Gr. antichristos) means one “who puts himself in the place of Christ.” This, in turn, is the meaning of the official papal title Vicarius Filii Dei, meaning “one who stands in the place of Christ.” This title in Latin has the number 666, while according to Revelation the number of the Antichrist’s name was supposed to be 666 (Rev.13:18):

1950 – Pius XII proclaimed the dogma of Mary’s heavenly assumption, elevating her cult as the “Advocate,” even though Scripture says that “the only Advocate between Elohim and man” is to be Yahusha the Messiah (1Tim.2:5). The Apostle John wrote: “If anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Yahusha the Messiah, who is righteous. He is to you the propitiation for our sins” (1Jan.2:1-2). Yahusha warned against other intermediaries: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, whosoever entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but by other means entereth therein, he is a thief and a robber…. I am the door for the sheep” (John 10:1.7). The Vatican has been making preparations for years for another Mary dogma, this time about Mary’s complicity in the redemption of mankind (Latin: Coredemptrix), even though Scripture says that the name of Yahusha is the only one by which people can be saved (Acts 4:12). Many Mary dogmas have been influenced by the Marian apparitions, but the apparitions were diabolical deceptions, since according to Scripture the devil can easily forge the figure of the dead, Mary, an angel and even the Messiah: “And no wonder; after all, Satan too takes the form of an angel of light. No wonder, then, if his servants also take the form of servants of righteousness” (2 Cor.11:14).



2 thoughts on “Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church Contrary to Scriptures.”

  1. Jacek says:

    Autorem powyższego artykułu nie jest Sylwester Szady, tylko Alfred Palla.

    1. admin says:

      Ok, dziękujemy. Prosimy o potwierdzenie autorstwa Pana Alfreda Palli.

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